Public Bronze Figure Monument to Dom Marcelino Franco

monument to Dom Marcelino Franco
Description: Marcelino Ant ó nio Maria Franco is a Portuguese clergyman. He served as a pastor at the Algarve Church for 35 years. The monument to Dom Marcelino Franco holds significant decorative meaning within its design and symbolism. Situated in a prominent location, it serves not only as a commemoration of a notable figure but also as a representation of cultural, historical, and artistic elements. This sculpture of a monument to Dom Marcelino Franco, tells the story of his contributions to religion.
NO.: AK-(M1588)
MATERIAL: Bronze/ Brass.
SIZE: Life-size or custom-made depends on your preference.
TECHNOLOGY: Lost-wax casting process.
PACKING: Generally soft and waterproof plastic inside, wooden cases/ iron box for outside.

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